Friday, April 29, 2011

Stay Fit With Wii Fit

A popular game for many reasons, the Wii Fit is appealing to thousands because of its unique way of making staying fit fun. You can custom create your own work out plan and goal, so whether you want to work out every day for twenty minutes, a half hour, or even more, you can easily choose to do so with the settings. The entire object of the game is to improve the user's fitness, so when you begin playing, you get to choose the routine that will specially target your specific goals.
Choose from things like yoga, aerobics, strength training, as well as games that specialize in balance. You can use the Balance Board to perform the activities, most of which will require use of it, and the motion pressure sensing device will sense all of your body's movements so that your motions will be received and your workout monitored. Your personal stats will also be recorded and reported to you so you know how you are doing and what more is needed to reach your personal goals. Also, like any exciting game, you can also fight to gain points, set high scores, and unlock more activities as you go along.

The commitment to personalization remains strong with the Wii Fit, as you can really determine how much of an activity you wish to do, altering the volume of activities as you go along. You can choose from so many exciting games, such as juggling, skateboarding, snowball fighting, an obstacle course, log leaping, cannonball evading, inspired by things that famous Mario characters had to endure, as well as Perfect 10, a game designed to combine balancing and mental health. With your custom made Mii, you will get to choose how often you play these activities, which ones you do, repeat them, or do all of them. You can also mix and match your yoga activities for a given day and you can enjoy all of this on an exciting course of events that will have you looking forward to doing your fitness workout because of the high level of fun associated with it.

Once you tire of some of the sporty games and courses, you might want to relax with some yoga, such as the Deep breathing, Dance, Bridge, Shoulder Stand, Warrior, Tree, Half-Moon, Sun Salutation, Pal Tree, Chair Triangle, or various muscle toning exercises that focus on your legs or arms or torso or squats, so each aspect of your body is targeted and improved. Whether you are working on one part of you or the whole part, the Wii Fit is equipped with just the features needed to keeping you fit and healthy and doing it while having a party of a time, too.

With the fun animation that Nintendo is famous for, and the exciting games that are great for people of all ages, the Wii Fit is the most fun way to stay in shape. You can encourage kids to do it or you can use it yourself and be guaranteed to improve your fitness in the most fun way possible.


  1. Many people hate wii fit, but it's one of the best and most original games out there

  2. its clear why xbox and ps3 got into the motion business

  3. i dont have wii fit, but its still pretty fun, played it at a friend's house

  4. The wii fit is pretty fun. I always play it when I visit my family, and destroy all their high scores for fun.

  5. I've tried it for about a month, felt better using it. The games weren't really all that special to me though, that used the board. Biggest issue for my was my ceilings weren't high enough to do the exercises.

  6. gamecube was the last console from nintendo i bought :D

  7. It is good, I don't believe that new advert tho, with that bitch who says she used to be a fatty now cos of wii fit she's thin.

  8. Good for the economy i guess... :)

    followed if you keep them coming!

  9. I don't really like wii fit that much :P

  10. This is really cool bro! Although I'm more of a PC guy.

  11. Nintendo, helping fat gamers lose weight! I love it :)

  12. I've always enjoyed wii fit for the fun of it, i prefer wii sports though, it has some exercise type stuff.

  13. I don't own a Wii Fit but the games I remember playing on it; the that balancing on a tight rope and in a river avoiding sharp corners game..

    I was so bad I spent hours hogging the mat.

    Oh, and the hula hoop.. It makes it look like your doing the pelvic thrusts, real fun if your with friends.
